Milestones: Looking for something radically honest to read? Voila!


My last post was written, literally minutes ago, and I was very emotional from the situation itself (here’s the replay: Fake Pearls (A Parable and a Surrender), and the act of writing it out and posting it. And then, I get this little pop up notification as soon as I hit publish. I’ve apparently hit the 100 post milestone on my blog. 🙂

I had a whole thing that I wanted to do when I hit this number. I didn’t expect it to happen right now when I have 1 hour to wake up 3 people and get all of us out the door. But it did. So I’m going to do a slightly faster version of this than I intended, because if I waited for life to slow down enough to make blogging easy, I’d never write a word.

I started this blog 1 month and a couple of days ago. I’ve gotten incredible feedback from so many people, and been accepted in my own strange way, when I have never been accepted for who I really am. To every single one of you, thank you. You showed me that my words might actually matter, that they might be able to touch the world in some way if I would just let them out. Thank you so much for that.

In the interest of commemorating this milestone (and shameless self promotion, of course), I wanted to give those of you who are just starting to get to know me a bit of a journey, through (what I consider to be) the highlight posts of this blog and journal that, despite it’s anonymity, is somehow more accurately me than the me that I live out day to day in the world.

My first post explains who I am and why this exists, and lays the groundwork for everything else. It is also my signature on every post. An Anonymous Outsider.

My first major post about mental illness, and also one that seemed to touch people the most: When There Are No Answers.

On parenting, among other things: Hooked on the Kiddo.

One of my earliest attempts at being honest about my illness and how it impacts me: Every Day.

On Self Harm: The title kind of says it all.

All of my #LoveMe Challenge posts are in a folder on my main page (and honestly contain some of my best work), but this one: #LoveMe Challenge Day 5: A Note to Past You, seemed to strike a chord with a lot of people. So it stands here alone.

Christianity and BDSM: A post I was afraid to publish, that really showed me how tolerant and incredible people can be, even when dealing with an odd duck like myself.

I don’t even like re-posting this, but it is too honest to not belong here: My Deepest Shame.

On having to close my small business abruptly: Closing Time.

A post about the death of my father, and a simple request of anyone who reads it: What a Shame.

Snapshot of Bedtime (A Musical Journey) is a really cool post I did with music as well as writing, that seemed to strike a chord with parents and non parents alike.

The post that I wish everyone would read even if they only had time for one: “I Wish I Could Have…” On Mathematics and Motivation.

Last but not least, a post where a lot of it all comes together: The Cage and The Cocoon.

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who gave any of these posts a chance. Genuinely. Thank you.

An Anonymous Outsider

Update on 10/10/15: I realized that one of my entries that got a startling amount of interest did not make it onto the above list because I was in such a hurry when I initially made the list. Hoarding Reasons To Live is about the decision to not attempt suicide, and is (apparently) a must read. Thanks again.

17 thoughts on “Milestones: Looking for something radically honest to read? Voila!

    • Thanks for the support! It really means a lot. It’s been terrifying to expose my real self on here, even anonymously, but it’s been incredibly rewarding as well, especially because of the support that comes from comments like yours. Thanks. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi there 🙂
    I am 20 years old, and I suffer deeply from clinical depression. To this date I’ve had no help, nor support from anybody, let alone any help from my family either… Everyday is a hazardous struggle, today in particular. So what I do is , write. Because I have no help and writing my heart out in a way calms me..

    Anyhow , what I’m trying to say is , whilst seeking for inspiration from posts written by people like me (pardon me) That’s when I stumbled across your post. I genuinely am inspired , your words really touched me. I could easily relate to all that you’ve said.

    Keep writing. It really does help ✔️xx

    Liked by 1 person

      • I am so sorry , but my blog is private as of yet because I’m still not confident enough to reveal this part of me to the public eye….
        I am of course deeply ashamed of this. To be frank I am still a coward. Coward in fear of receiving any negative feedback and so forth that our society suffers the wrath of …

        I’m still on the first few rungs of my ladder to stability and confidence , and got a long long way to go. But one day I will have the courage to make the brave move of opening my blog out to the public 🙂

        Haha whoops sorry for the unnecessary response. Just felt I should explain myself

        Liked by 1 person

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